Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The End of the Year

As impossible as it may seem in mid-August, another school year has come to a close.  I have had a wonderful year with all of you this year and I am proud to have been your teacher.  Please believe me when I say that I will continue to do anything I can to help and support you in the future.  

Live look at a baby Mr. D
In the comments section below, I would like for you to write a brief note to next year's 8th graders.  Be sure to complete the following:

  1. Be sure to put your actual name as the person leaving the comment.
  2. These will be shared with next year's group so spelling and grammar count.
Thanks so much for being you.  I hope you have a wonderful summer and a fantastic high school experience at RCHS.

See you on the flippy floppy.  

Peace be the journey.

Mr. D