Monday, May 16, 2016


In ELA Level III (8th grade English/Language Arts), our opening unit revolves around HEROES.  One of our guiding questions is simply,

What defines a hero?

At the end of the unit, students will be asked to write an informational essay on their personal definition of heroism.  Throughout the unit, students will be asked to read, research, and discuss different aspects of HEROISM, including varying strategies on how to go about the sometimes complicated process of defining more abstract and complex concepts.  Those strategies include:
  • definition by FUNCTION
    • This strategy focuses on ADJECTIVES (i.e. courageous, self-sacrificial) which describe the characteristics of a heroic person, as well as VERBS (i.e. saves the day, leaps into action) which outline what heroes do.
  • definition by EXAMPLE
    • This strategy focuses on SPECIFIC PEOPLE and their stories that helps to bolster the author's definition of HEROISM.
  • definition by NEGATION
    • This strategy focuses on the OPPOSITE of what a hero is, stating what a hero is NOT (i.e. selfish, cowardly).
In an effort to help CROWD-STORM this topic, our classes of the past have taken to PADLET to post their thoughts.  Check out what we have so far: Heroism Padlet

In addition, here is a copy of Oliver Stone's article, "Where I Find My Heroes" that we read as a part of this unit: "Where I Find My Heroes"

Last but not least, here an ed-TED talk on the subject by Matthew Winkler: What Makes a Hero?

In the comments section, write out your brainstormed thoughts on the guiding question from above: WHAT DEFINES A HERO?

Can't wait to hear your thoughts.

~Mr. D

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