About a year ago, my wife and I had a piece of furniture painted by the owner of Designer Depot in the Key Twin Shopping Center. On the interior, she painted the panels of the piece with chalkboard paint, virtually turning the inside into a writable/erasable surface. I had heard of chalkboard paint before and thought the idea sounded pretty cool.
Except for this: who the heck uses chalk anymore?
I mean, the last time I saw a piece of chalk was back in 4th grade when I was assigned to be the kid who took the erasers outside and bang them into oblivion, huffing loads of chalk dust along the way. (I am still waiting to be involved in some sort of class action lawsuit on that one: "Teacher Cashes In Big Over Chalk Dust." I'm looking at you, Heavy Hitter.)
But what about whiteboard paint? Especially if one could paint it on clear to cover a surface without there being any detection of shenanigans?
Well, look no more: IdeaPaint is the thing!
I am thinking of painting my classroom door and perhaps the tops of some of my desks with this stuff. Thoughts? Is there anywhere else this could be useful? Furthermore, when might this be used in the classroom?
I look forward to your comments below. Have a good one!
~Mr. D
That's freaking cool. Useful for the think, know, and do stuff that we'd done on post it notes. Maybe you could write a different motivational quote on your door everyday or something. Also, important reminders so you don't have to have that remind text thing. Maybe somewhere by your desk so you can write your ideas or thoughts. Not only would it not waste paper, but it would look pretty cool. Endless possibilities. Though not monumental ideas, some to think about.
That sounds so cool and Sarah's right you could write quotes or reminders plus the students could doodle on the desk while listening. To some it's easier to listen while doing something.
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